Hosting an Event? Let's Create Your First AI Matchmaker
Running an event can be a lot of work, and can leave you with little time to help your attendees discover one of the greatest values you have provided: finding great connections. Let an AI Matchmaker help your next event!
Running an event can be a lot of work, and can leave you with little time to help your attendees discover one of the greatest values you have provided: finding great connections.
Avatar Factory provides special features to help use Avatars to facilitate business and social networking:
- Avatars can chat with your attendees before the event to learn about them. AI chat provides a much better experience than a form, as the AI can coach the person towards great responses.
- Before, or at the event, attendees can discover which other people are similar or complimentary.
- You can ask an event volunteer to act as a Matchmaker, to help review the AI generated matches and then make live introductions. This human touch makes the event so much warmer and welcoming.
Step 1: Create Your Matchmaker Avatar
Avatars power the guided conversations, which are chats in which the Avatar/AI has intention and guides the user towards a known goal. For a business networking event there might be two goals: learn about the person's new company, and learn what the person would like to get from the event.
- Open the Avatar Factory web app on your laptop (having the big screen will really help)
- If you don't have an account, then create one with your phone number, or login in with your Google account (from the home screen, tap the bottom right "More" tab, then the blue "Login" button)
- Once you are logged in, visit the details screen of the Business Networking Matchmaker
- Tap the "Clone" button
- Edit the "Title" to the name you would like
- Scroll down to the "Create Clone" button and tap it - your Avatar is now created!
While this Avatar is ready to use and you can start chatting with it, you probably want to make some changes like adding it to the Avatar Factory catalog so people can discover it, and setting the name of the event. Follow the instructions in the next section to do these and much more.
Step 2: Edit Your New Avatar For Your Event
Here are some basic ways to update your Avatar.
From the Edit Avatar screen:
- Edit the Title to match your event and business
- Edit the Nickname which is used during chats
- Edit the Tagline which is shown along with the title when the Avatar appears in lists on the web app
- For now, DO NOT edit the Content which is the English-as-programming of your Avatar. This is an advanced topic and covered in the Editing Content section below
- Edit the Abstract which is shown on your Avatar detail screen
- Choose the Categories your Avatar will appear under. At least make sure the Matchmaking category is selected.
- Decide if you want to show your Avatar in the public catalog
- Decide if you want to make the details of your Avatar open source - which means other people can see all the details of your avatar including the content
After editing, make sure to tap the "Update Avatar" button to save your changes.
You can also change the Avatar logo from the Avatar detail screen. Tap the Change Logo row and select the photo or picture you want to use.
Let's Test Your Avatar!
- Tap the "More" bottom tab, and then "My Avatars" from the More screen
- Find your new Avatar from the list and tap the chat icon to the left of it
- Start chatting!
Share Your New Avatar With a Friend
To share your Avatar, start a chat with it, and then use the "share" option from your web browser, or tap the top right "Share" icon (the three dots with two line between them).
Anyone who receives this share link can directly open the chat. If they have already logged in, then they can start chatting immediately. If they don't have an account they will be prompted to log in with a Google account, or provide their phone number and receive an one-time-password link through SMS.
Choose Some Human Matchmakers For Your Event
While this is optional, it does provide two great benefits:
- Many times your volunteers will love to be matchmakers because it helps them network, and is a fun way to meet new people
- Your attendees will love the white glove customer service, of a real person listening to their personal needs and making real-life introductions. They don't need to wander into random conversations hoping to find a connection, but instead can enjoy a curated meeting
To give someone matchmaker permissions for your Avatar:
- Visit the Avatar detail screen
- Click on "Admin Avatar"
- Tap the (+) to add a contributor
- Select the people from the list that you want to be Matchmakers - make sure to checkbox each one. Then tap the "Next" button
- From the Avatar Admin screen, change the permission of each Matchmaker to "read" (Otherwise they can edit your Avatar!)
Use the Avatar for Matchmaking at an Event
Once you are happy with your Avatars behavior, you can share it with your event attendees. There's just two simple steps:
- Share the link to your Avatar chat with your attendees, and ask them to chat with it until they get a "success" badge
- At your event, ask someone to be the Matchmaker, and make them a "Contributor" to your Avatar so they can see list all the people who chatted with the Avatar.
Step 3: Advanced Ways to Modify Your Avatar
Advanced settings and features should be changed with the help of a prompt engineer. They require the use of additional tools and techniques to determine the settings and to test.
- Edit the Content - this is the English Programming of your Avatar and tells the Avatar how to guide the conversation, which advice to give, and how to know when the user has provided enough information to let the conversation proceed. We frequently use ChatGPT or Gemini to write these sections.
- Choose a Prompt Strategy - this is a combination of a specific Prompt Script, and the back-end business logic to run it. For matchmaking we use the matchmaker strategy and you shouldn't need to change this.
- Edit the Prompt Script - you can override any of the scripts from the prompt strategy or default prompt script to give your improve your avatars performance.